Power. Stability. Versatility.
Our proven patented activation methods include alkaline (high pH), chelated metals, hydrogen peroxide, heat, and zero valent iron.
Activated Klozur persulfate creates a multi-radical attack providing greater oxidation power capable of treating common and the most recalcitrant compounds alike.
Klozur’s stability allows it to be better distributed in the subsurface providing a greater radius of influence and allowing more time to make contact and degrade contaminants.
With a variety of activation and delivery methods, the versatility of the Klozur portfolio is unmatched, allowing it to be applied at a wide variety of site conditions.
With production capabilities in New York state and Europe, Evonik is one of the world’s largest producers of persulfates and the only persulfate manufacturer in North America. Having over 80 years of persulfate manufacturing experience, Evonik’s team has developed the standards for persulfate application guidance, safety and handling, and storage.
When activated with Evonik’s patented technologies, Klozur persulfates form powerful oxidative and reductive radicals that effectively treat a wide range of contaminants, including chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, and PAH’s.