At PeroxyChem, we are committed to the well being of our people, the community and the environment. Our products are designed to improve safety and enhance conditions for people worldwide.
That’s why we’re proud to participate in the Responsible Care® initiative, a world-class environmental, health, safety and security (EHS&S) initiative supported by the American Chemistry Council (ACC), the Chemical Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) and the Associacion Nacional de la Industria Quimica (ANIQ).
As a global leader in peroxygens and adjacent chemistries and as a member of these organizations, PeroxyChem is committed to uphold the pillars of the Responsible Care program:
In keeping with the initiative’s Product Safety Code, we regularly test our products and provide information to assure our products are used safely. PeroxyChem has developed Product Summaries for hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, ammonium persulfate, potassium persulfate, sodium persulfate and calcium peroxide. These Product Summaries are available upon request.
Our global operations take these same guiding principles and support the Responsible Care initiative as outlined in our PeroxyChem Global Health, Safety, Security & Environmental Policy to ensure the safety of our operations, our products and our processes. This policy is available in English, German and Spanish.